Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hit you with some figatry

Do you ever make a plan, than not follow through on it? Just making a plan and not having it be. Growing up, I was (slash still am) blessed with a fantastic childhood filled with opportunities that far too many others, not only children but, people in general do not have. I was able to attend school, learn to read and write, have access to clean, sanitary drinking water, I knew both my parents, I was not put under forced labor, I was not beaten or sexually scarred. Telling thousands of other children about my upbringing would probably put them in a state of disbelieve. They would think that my story was one of fiction and dreams because they have never even heard of such a life.

I am here in France. I am not here for work nor am I running from the law, in any sense (I am not sure in how many senses one can run from the law). I am here for my schooling. For college. Something that was expected of me, to go to college. While for others, it only exists as a far off vision that even just the idea is hard to grasp. In my host family's backyard (which is lovely (both the family and the yard)), I laid on the ground by a fig tree that I just picked figs from and wondered, why me? Why am I so fortunate, when far too many others are not? And what am I doing with this bountiful fortune? Am I using it to better everything I see and know? Shit, I lost thread. I cannot, for anything, remember what my next train of thought was (odd expression when you actually type it). Oh, that is right. I have always been one to believe that something or someone is only as strong as its weakest part (though now that I type that I am not sure if I believe it completely). Looking at the civilizations and people of the world and seeing all our strengths and weaknesses, we have the potential to be so much more than what we are just by reaching our hand to offer some help. There is so much more this world could be and the crazy thing is is that we can make it this way. It needs a group effort behind it, but we are becoming of an age when we realize that this is our heaven. Try to imagine everything that would be in your "heaven" and then realize that it is already here. We are the creators of own world and we can shape in any way we can.

Plucking figs from the fig tree out back, I came to see how plentiful our world is. My basket was full of figs while there was still more to be picked. The others left unpicked I left for the birds and worms and gave them back to the earth for some great nutrients for our soil. We ate our share of the figs and then, after dinner, my host father went across the street to give our neighbors a pep in their night by way of the purple fruit meant for gods. There is a Ghandi qoute (there are many actually) (I think this is Ghandi): "There is enough in the world for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed."

This post did not turn out how I wanted it to. Not sure if the point I wanted to make became tangled in the overhead wires or made it safely to its destination. But it is fine. In fact it is more than fine, it is perfect. I just reverted to plan be.


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