Saturday, June 12, 2010

Freaking out.

Ever Freak Out for no apparent reason? The reason might be crystal clear to you, but it is never spoken out loud to a friend or someone close to you. It only festers inside and brews turning your insides from a sanctuary to a prison. You do not speak of what is Freaking you out because once spoken out loud, you immediately realize "Why am I causing myself to 'Freak Out' over this?"

On a side note, quotations work differently in England. In England's English, single quotations appear first, and doubles are used if a quote occurs inside a quote. Funny system. Looks much nice than ours on paper though. Makes more sense. I cammot wait till the world decides to adopt a global language. Maybe we already do through emotions. When you think about life on other planets, what language do you imagine them to speak? Do you see them running around their planet identifying the other inhabitants of their world (who appear exactly the same as each other, save for minor differences (mostly physical)) as beings who are not them but of some different race? Do you think they would see us as American? Or English? Or African? Or Catalian? Or Cherokee? My vote goes towards the human view. And why not? We all look the same (more or less). So why not rally behing this unifying device that we can so easily bestow upon another planet in our mind, but not put into our own home and own community. Stop seeing race or sexual orientation. Political stance or job description. Stop seeing "disabilities" or past.

"We are much more alike than we are different." - John Irsfeld

I saw this woman today who was in a wheelchair. She had childlike clothing on and even noticed some decorated socks. She looked so young. While she was facing towards me, I waved at her as if she was twelve with a big smile on my face. The look I was returned made me see how I was treating her. As if she was child (though not in the way I prefer). What we show the world is a product of our thoughts, speech, beliefs, actions, and attitudes. It is how we effect the world. How are you using those to be a world shaker?

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