Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Sir Bacon (not sure what he did to acfcomplish a self-portrait, but lovely ruffles)

I could ask for no bra. The stubble is fine.

My guitar sits in a corner in the room i am in. It is no more than 3 meters from me (starting the American SI unit trend), but I feel far from it. Well, I did, earlier this night. Music has always come extraordinarlly easy to me. Her and I have always had a great love life (especially sexually), but sometimes I have problems feeling her up. I seem distance from it. It seems to have gone some place else temporarilly. It always returns, but I expect it to go one day and that will be the last time a song will be able to flow through me. It a ridiculous fear I know, but still it crosses my mind. It is a fear. That god will take back his gift one day seeing that I have not been using as I should and give it to somebody who will. I better start using it more. A lot more. But I have other gifts, and I konw better.

I think about the year of 2012 and wonder if the world we inhabit will cave in on itself and this blue dot with the only living organisms known to us in this universe will cease to be. I think that if this does happen than why am I wasting my time with not doing what I want? t is a trap to think like that, though. It puts in a place of death instead life which stints the imagination and joy. Do not become caught up in death. It is so much better to become caught up in life.

Always ask yourself, "what next?" for you are never done. And you will never be "there." That place that you want to get. You will never reach it. Hopefully. You're not there, yet. If you were than what would be the point in continuing? If you did get there, then that would be it and the hertz would come to get you. Just keep moving, man. When you reach a point when you think you have done "it," and you have reached "there," ask yourself,"now what?" And go from there. We all have do something till our time passes. Just go crazy with it.

Think about everything that everything has been through in order for your existence. Trillions of years ago, something (very vague) happened and the universe was create. In that, was Earth. Billions of more years later a barren wasteland filled with mountains and volcanoes gave way to water and a gaseous sky gave way to sunlight. Billions of more years and a singled-cell organism makes it's way into the game. Still, Millions of more year, this single-celled population comes together to make a multi-celled, multi functioning organism that begins to swim around in the oceans while big continent-shaped plates begin moving and seperating. This amiable amphibians make their way to land and begin to adapt and fly and crawl and grow until the earth is filled with an umpteenth amount of animals all originating from the same beginning. One extinction follows the next along with numerous mother earth menopauses featuring heat waves and ice ages. When things settle down, it happens, upon pure chance (maybe), that a certain race of furry filled (perhaps coming from the see) begin to develop a larger cranium radius. This race of homo sapiens begin a reproduce and evolve from sticks and stone wheels to bicycles and solar panels. Then, through a numerous amounts of interactions and pure chances bring two people together and out of millions of sperm cells, one finds the egg and you are born. Through all the unlikely hood of your existance, but there you sit (or stand) on earth. With people that love, food that nourishes and sun that baths you. And you complain about traffic, or get angry when a white shirt becomes a faded pink when accidentally thrown in with a red friends, then say how unlucky you are. Never forget how lucky you are. How cool you are. How fortunate you are. How kick-ass and how much you are a bad motha-fucker.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Freaking out.

Ever Freak Out for no apparent reason? The reason might be crystal clear to you, but it is never spoken out loud to a friend or someone close to you. It only festers inside and brews turning your insides from a sanctuary to a prison. You do not speak of what is Freaking you out because once spoken out loud, you immediately realize "Why am I causing myself to 'Freak Out' over this?"

On a side note, quotations work differently in England. In England's English, single quotations appear first, and doubles are used if a quote occurs inside a quote. Funny system. Looks much nice than ours on paper though. Makes more sense. I cammot wait till the world decides to adopt a global language. Maybe we already do through emotions. When you think about life on other planets, what language do you imagine them to speak? Do you see them running around their planet identifying the other inhabitants of their world (who appear exactly the same as each other, save for minor differences (mostly physical)) as beings who are not them but of some different race? Do you think they would see us as American? Or English? Or African? Or Catalian? Or Cherokee? My vote goes towards the human view. And why not? We all look the same (more or less). So why not rally behing this unifying device that we can so easily bestow upon another planet in our mind, but not put into our own home and own community. Stop seeing race or sexual orientation. Political stance or job description. Stop seeing "disabilities" or past.

"We are much more alike than we are different." - John Irsfeld

I saw this woman today who was in a wheelchair. She had childlike clothing on and even noticed some decorated socks. She looked so young. While she was facing towards me, I waved at her as if she was twelve with a big smile on my face. The look I was returned made me see how I was treating her. As if she was child (though not in the way I prefer). What we show the world is a product of our thoughts, speech, beliefs, actions, and attitudes. It is how we effect the world. How are you using those to be a world shaker?

Friday, June 4, 2010

How big are you being?

I love stringed instruments. And I am a fool for cellos. If you have two x chromosones and a cello in hand then I am fallen.

I have taken far too long to update this outward looking window to the world. I write this blog to share. That by my sharing and living transparency I make the world into widespread community where everyone else knows what everyone else is up to. Where people in India ask people in Canada for a cup of sugar in which Canada happily complies with the request.

Growing up, I was never confident in my writing skills. I made up that my words on paper were no eloquent and that I had no gift for the pen. My strong suits more lied in math, science, and music rather than English. This lasted for far too long a time. Instead of writing or reading, I sat and played video games, along with most others of my generation. My logic came to be that "I have no talent in writing so would I ever want to be that." My Creative writing teacher landed this quote on me by Gustave Flaubert (must love a good name):
"Talent is a long patient"
I sit now having gone through two years of college having first been a "vocal performance major" and then a "mechanical engineering" major with my favorite class coming to be fiction creative writing class.

Like most college students, I have no idea. But every idea at the same time. It is wonderful. I am not even sure if college is right for me.
"Life is organic. It is not linear" (Thank you Sir Ken Robinson (a video to be added at the end of this post))
I mean there is so much to be and I become caught up within this reality and find my mind moving lightyears ahead to the future at time warp speeds anf forget all that is around me know. Take time out of your day, everyday, every morning even if you prefer, to look around and just see. That is all see. See and hear. The senses are the most lovely of gifts, do not forget about them.

My choice has been to cover my light most of my life. To put it under a blanket and to show it only to a few. I have spent far to many years thinking of the "what if's" instead of the here; so many occasions where I don't dance or sing because my mind duvs it "uncool".
"Don't let your mind stop you from having a good time." - Jason Mraz (I am quoting fool tonight)

Please, do not keep your light a secret. Show it to all. Dance if your feet wish and sing loudest. This is my light.

So, have been wanting to put a few videos up for a while, but will not bombard you with all of them at once.

Check out this cool cat converse about education. Going to school and having a family who is "middle-class" with "blue-collared" jobs school become the biggest door imaginable for opportunity to pass through. And it is. Do not find me wrong, but, no doubt, a change is needed. Looking back, I would not change my education for anything. It was supurb (big high-fives go to CCSD and Clark High School). But the school system is a cookie cutter. And some students are not even dough at all. The are a cucumber or a banana. Or almond or tea leaf. It does not work for everyone. Having been a part of the school system for fourteen years, I know its many strengths and crucial weaknesses. It has to be looked upon in a completely different way and a new idea of schooling must be put into effect. The world is moving from a dying planet with its murderers being its inhabitants to a healing world with its doctors allowing the immune ecosytem to work as it was meant to again. There is a global shift occuring from a selfish mind-set to a compassionate, sharing mind-set. When having an army that is twenty size the time of anothers and consuming more energy than some one else is no longer a strength but a weakness. Progress is not seen in dollars but in something else I can think of currently. (Place positive phrase here). There is shift occuring in the world with schooling, no doubt, changing with it.

And to see this fine chaps first install, check it out here