Saturday, October 30, 2010

"The lifes of people is like riding a bike..."

I am not sure if there is anything better than a fantastically good breakfast. Today I find myself welcoming the sunrise with a mug filled with a strawberry-banana-blackberry (marion berries?)-apple juice smoothie accompanied by some delicious raisin nut, banana french toast topped with some hypnotizing maple syrup with a two moms in the raw bar to finish me off. Breakfast of the gods. There is nothing like a good breakfast to help you better put on your love letting face and prepare your body for the party that will take place in the day ahead.

I am pretty sure he made this cd specifically for me.

When I am down, life tends to throw me little pick-me-ups (which I am extraordinarily greatful for). When I am not sure if I am on the right path or unsure of my direction, life sends me little messages that coaxes (sp?) me to continue. It is like it is saying, "Yes, that maybe so, but go on. Conitne. Show me more. Show me what more you have. I am here to help. Do not fear. I am here and everything is fine. More than fine. Perfect. So, please, do not stop. If anything, do not stop. Just keep pedaling. See all there is to see and keep asking for more. Do not fear the mistakes. I planned those too. Continue loving and you will see. But, I implore you, not to stop. This is the way."

There is more to type, but the day beckons me away. If you want the cd, let me know.

In pedaling,

Monday, October 25, 2010


Heading to the polls you now decide who it is you wish to see in office; who it is that will run your local courts, decide where the money in your children's school system is to be spent, what taxes will or will not be. Who will you choose to be the leader of your community; to be the people that will lead us from an unsustainable, seperated way of surviving to a far more efficient, earth renewing, people and envirnment first way of living that will bring people together? You know that future you have where there is no longer a haze of brown floating over your city, or where two people who love one another are allowed to have the same protection of marriage as everyone else and are no longer treated like second class citizens regardless of whether they are the same gender, or where you see farmers beggining to spring up all over our country making an amount of money that someone who is feeding an entire country deserves and meats no longer being processed and injected with hormones in a large factory, instead they roam free and arrive at our dinner tables to nourish and not poison us; where money is seen, most often. going to positive, community-minded businesses that will do nothing but improve the impact it has with all people involved; where we lead the world out of a petroleum based economy by example; where we are the shining light and helping hand reaching out to other countries in need? It will happen when you vote for it.

- anthony

p.s. I am quite sure I improperly used all semicolons seen above. I apologize.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Spread it like peanut butter

Having these guys on my screen has been the best part of turning on my computer for the past two years. I cannot resist checking up on the good news and sneaking over to their site every time I turn on the internet. They are the best things to happen to computers since the monitor. Superforest raises my spirits and inspires to no end.

Their humanifesto is a global message of positivity, recited above by people from across the world. Please, do yourself a favor (because you deserve it) and head over to their website to check them out.

If you like what you see, please, tell and share with as many people as you know.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hear and back

It was raining this morning harder than it has my entire short stay here in Pau with the wind knocking my window protectors back and forth causing them to rattle through my morning time meditation. Living in Las Vegas, one does not think about the rain very often. It rains every six to thirty months depending on the moods of the rain gods. There is not a high need for anything waterproof where I live so leaving to another place (especially to one where it rains a lot) I sometime forget certain situations that are possible elsewhere. I do not think to myself, "All right, when it rains while I am riding a bike, what will I wear to keep dry?" It is more similar to, "Dude, sweet, I get ride a bike." Planning has never been a strong suit of mine. But, luckily, my host family gives me an outfit to use that makes me look like a Swiss ski ranger out looking for an unfortunate skier who needs help.

(On a side note: I have the nicest host family ever concieved. So much so that the word "host" before family seems uneccassary.)

Last night I decided to leave. There has been this lump in me. A dam that has been blocking my flow. It has been visible to me, looking myself in the mirror, I know when I am my most attractive and when I am not a center of love, emitting my light of loviness.

I think people know, if you listen and use your eyes, the truth; what is true of them and when it is something you want or something you do not; when you are just trying to convince yourself and when there is no need for convincing.

Riding my bike this morning in the rain with the wind in my face, I thought about what it meant; if the weather/universe/(place divine object here) was trying to stop me from making a horrible mistake or if I was just being told, "Doing what you want to do will be hard, but continue on." I chose the later. My plane leaves Sunday.

- anthony