Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A reflection (in peaces)

There are a few downers of living with my mom at twenty:

Female: "I had a really nice time tonight."
"Good. I'm glad. I did too."
"So, can we go back to your place."
"Nah. I don't want to wake my mom."

(This above scenario never happens.)

However the food is not one of them. Feast your eyes on these beauties:

(Tastes much better in person)

I have been reading a lot. Well, not really. More like doing nothing. I've been doing nothing a lot. Sitting around and thinking, but not thinking of anything. Moping really is more like. But I'm not depressed or sad really. Just useless. I feel lately. Uninspired and uninspiring. Like I am walking the track in the forest over and over again. The weather changes, the trees shed their leaves and then rekindle their branches, I hear the stream passing over rocks, people wave but I see nothing. I hear nothing. I consume myself and within that consumption is me. My now. My only moment that I have. And I do not really have it. It contains me. And all I really may do is appreciate it and be grateful for my existence within it.

It is never the outer world that causes duress. People believe it to be, but it isn't. I can do nothing but loaf for an entire day without qualm,but the next, I stricken myself for not doing a thing worth doing. It is not what I'm doing, it's who I'm being. It is finding the satisfaction in being that brings peace. I think.