Friday, December 10, 2010

A star-gazer's ball

To a sky nearest you. (except in parts of Africa, Europe, and all of Asia) (Sorry)

The late night and early morning sky of December the 13th and 14th will be host to the Geminids meteor shower. Come out to see the streaks of light illuminating the dark canvas and be a spectator to "the best meteor shower of the year". Supposedly. It will be cold when witnessing such events (especially when traveling to distant destinations away from competing light) so make sure to dress and pack appropriately, bring your significant other to cuddle up close to, or attend with the/a family and gather around the campfire telling stories while sipping on some thermos hot chocolate waiting for the festivities to begin (but hold that bladder so as to have something to put out that fire when the falling of debris commences), or, if you are a lone-goer, bring a cat or two along for company and warmth setting up that telescope just right to not miss a second of those night time flashes. Take pictures to show off to friends who decided to stay the night in too.

And as if more was needed, check out the total lunar eclipse coming our (parts of Europe, Africa, South America, and all of North America) way on December 20th starting at 10:27 p.m. Moutain Central time. Or wait another four years. It will last for 72 minutes and completely freak out your eyes. Bring a camera.